April 2, 2008

A Hard Providence

As many of you know...Justus is actually a lot sicker than we thought last time I posted. He was diagnosed with a very rare disease called Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis or LCH. I want to cry just writing that looking at that picture of him. I have to remind myself daily -hourly- of something Ben encouraged me with when we first got this shock. That God is no less in sustaining Justus now than He was a few months ago. It was a shock like I've never experienced. We are now out of the hospital after almost six weeks and I have to say that the numbness is just starting to wear off. Living in the hospital is such a strange existence, on one hand I'm eternally grateful for all the wonderful nurses and doctors that diagnosed and treated my baby, but on the other I'm frustrated because of the lack of sleep or privacy and my mind is numb from staring at the same walls for weeks.
I am so thankful that Justus does seem to be responding to treatment. God has been kind to us. I am also overwhelmed by the kindness of our family and friends. Rachel, your fruit salad and letter made my day and meant the world to me. Everyone's generosity has been overflowing on us and I can't thank all of you enough.

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