February 11, 2008

We Match

I love my boys to match and realize I have to do it as much as possible before they get old enough to think it's ridiculous. They have noticed it though and at this point they're still convinced it's a wonderful thing. A few days ago Ben was putting on his tennis shoes when Gabe proudly announced "Daddy, we match!" I looked at the NB on both their shoes and smiled at my extremely astute son. "Look" he said triuphantly, "we both have mud on our shoes".

February 10, 2008

Money for Jesus

This little man is almost two and has more energy than the energizer bunny! He is pretty much always happy and LOVES his brothers (Justus a little too much sometimes). He and Gabe have been playing together so nicely recently and I am loving it! Well, we have been letting the boys take money out of their bank for offering at church lately. They love to do this (I try to remember, but sometimes forget). Consequently, whenever Gideon sees money he shouts excitely: "Money for Jesus!" So, we were in line at the store the other day when he notice the man behind us was paying with cash and had his change purse out. "Money for Jesus!" Gideon yells happily at the top of his lungs. "Uh, no." said the man. Gideon looks at him confused "Money for Jesus?" The man looked sheepishly at him "No..." "I'm sorry" I say, "he likes to give money to Jesus". "I see." the man murmered. The poor man eventually had to put his money away because everytime Gideon saw it he would give him a huge smile and say cheerfully "Money for Jesus!" What a cheerful giver (even if it's not always his own money)! :)